Upper Broad

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Broad Watershed (HUC 03050105) covers an area of approximately 1,094 square miles in western North Carolina. It is characterized by steep terrain and high precipitation, resulting in significant hydrological processes, including flash flooding, erosion, and sediment transport. The region experiences a high level of snowfall each winter, with average snowpack depths exceeding 10 inches. Surface water in the watershed includes numerous streams and rivers, including the North Fork and South Fork of the Catawba River. The primary reservoirs in the area are Lake James and Lake Rhodhiss, which are used for hydroelectric power generation and recreational activities. Interesting climatic trends in the area include an increase in average temperatures and a decrease in annual precipitation over the past several decades. These changes could have significant implications for the region's hydrology and water resources.

Surface Flows

Upper Broad Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Broad Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Broad Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Broad Watershed

Upper Broad Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed