Lower Savannah

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Savannah Watershed covers an area of about 9,000 square miles in Georgia and South Carolina. The watershed is characterized by a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters. In terms of hydrology, the Savannah River is the primary water source for the watershed. The snowpack is generally minimal in this region, with occasional snowfall during the winter months. The surface water in the area is utilized for irrigation, drinking water supply, and recreational activities. The reservoirs in the watershed are primarily used for hydroelectric power generation and flood control. The constituents in the reservoirs vary but generally include sediment, nutrients, and organic matter. In recent years, the region has experienced a trend of increasing temperatures and precipitation levels, which may have implications for water availability and quality in the future.

Surface Flows

Lower Savannah Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Savannah Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Savannah Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Savannah Watershed

Lower Savannah Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed