
Watershed Hydrology

The Peace Watershed (HUC 03100101) covers a vast land area of approximately 137,000 square kilometers. It is located in the northeastern region of British Columbia and encompasses parts of the Rocky Mountains and the boreal forest. The watershed is characterized by a diverse hydrology system, composed of several large rivers and lakes, including the Peace River, the Parsnip River, and Williston Lake, the largest reservoir in British Columbia. The area experiences a continental climate with cold winters and warm summers. The watershed receives high snowfall in the winter months, which contributes significantly to the surface water and reservoir constituents. Interesting climatic trends include the increase in average temperatures over time, leading to changes in the snowpack and subsequent impacts on water availability. Additionally, there has been an increase in extreme weather events, such as flooding, which has consequences for infrastructure and human settlements in the region. Overall, the Peace Watershed is an important ecosystem, supporting a diverse range of flora and fauna and providing critical resources to local communities.

Surface Flows

Peace Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Peace Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Peace Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Peace Watershed

Peace Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed