
Watershed Hydrology

The Hillsborough watershed covers an area of 722 square miles in central Florida. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Hillsborough River, which originates in the Green Swamp and flows through the urbanized areas of Tampa before emptying into Tampa Bay. The watershed receives an average annual rainfall of 54 inches, with a peak in the summer months due to the influence of the Gulf of Mexico. The snowpack is negligible in this subtropical region. Surface water quality is impacted by urbanization and agricultural activities upstream, leading to high nutrient and sediment loads in the river. The major reservoir in the watershed is the Hillsborough Reservoir, which provides drinking water to the city of Tampa. Interesting climatic facts include the frequent occurrence of lightning in the area, which is known as the "Lightning Capital of North America," and the risk of tropical cyclones during the hurricane season. Trends in the area include increasing urbanization and land-use changes, which can affect water quality and quantity.

Surface Flows

Hillsborough Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Hillsborough Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Hillsborough Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Hillsborough Watershed

Hillsborough Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed