Watershed Hydrology
The Perdido watershed, also known as huc 03140106, covers an area of approximately 3,611 square miles, spanning across the states of Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Perdido River, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico. The watershed receives an average annual rainfall of around 60 inches, with the highest amount recorded in the spring months. Snow is a rare occurrence in this region, and when it occurs, it typically melts quickly due to the warm temperatures. Surface water in the watershed is affected by a variety of factors, including land use, development, and agricultural practices. The primary reservoir in the watershed is the Bay Minette reservoir, which is used for both recreational purposes and as a source of drinking water. The water quality of the reservoir is monitored closely to ensure that it remains safe for public use. Climatic trends in the Perdido watershed indicate that temperatures are increasing, and precipitation patterns are becoming more erratic. These changes could have significant impacts on the hydrological cycle of the watershed, potentially leading to droughts or floods.