
Watershed Hydrology

The town watershed (huc 03160102) covers a land area of approximately 68 square kilometers in the northeastern region of the United States. Hydrologically, the area is characterized by a mix of forested and agricultural land uses, with several streams and small rivers flowing through the region. The watershed is also notable for its significant snowpack during winter months, which provides a critical source of water for the area's streams and reservoirs during the dry summer season. Surface water quality is generally good, though there have been occasional issues with algae blooms and other contaminants in some of the smaller streams. The main reservoir in the watershed is primarily used for drinking water supply, and is regularly monitored for various constituents such as dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity. In recent years, the region has experienced warming temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, which may have implications for the hydrology and ecology of the watershed in the future.

Surface Flows

Town Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Town Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Town Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Town Watershed

Town Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed