
Watershed Hydrology

The Pigeon Wiscoggin Watershed (HUC 04080103) covers a land area of approximately 1,579 square miles in northern Maine and New Hampshire. The watershed is characterized by a cold, snowy climate, with annual snowfall averaging between 100-150 inches. The hydrology of the area is heavily influenced by snowmelt, which contributes to the surface water flows in the spring and summer months. The watershed contains numerous surface water bodies, including lakes and streams, and supports a diverse range of aquatic life. Reservoirs within the watershed serve as important sources of hydroelectric power and also provide recreational opportunities. The climate of the region is changing, with average temperatures increasing and precipitation patterns shifting. These changes are expected to have significant impacts on the hydrology and ecology of the Pigeon Wiscoggin Watershed in the coming decades.

Surface Flows

Pigeon-Wiscoggin Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Pigeon-Wiscoggin Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Pigeon-Wiscoggin Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Pigeon-Wiscoggin Watershed

Pigeon-Wiscoggin Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed