
Watershed Hydrology

The Kiskiminetas watershed (HUC 05010008) covers an area of approximately 1,444 square miles in southwestern Pennsylvania. It is a tributary of the Allegheny River, and its hydrology is mainly characterized by high flows in the spring and low flows in the summer. The watershed receives an average annual precipitation of 40 inches, with most of it occurring as rainfall. The area is subject to occasional floods, especially during intense rainfall events. The Kiskiminetas watershed is also home to a few reservoirs, which are used to regulate the river's flow and provide water for drinking, recreation, and power generation. The reservoirs' constituents vary depending on their location, but they often contain nutrients, sediments, and other pollutants that can impact the water quality and aquatic life. In recent years, the Kiskiminetas watershed has experienced an increase in average temperature and precipitation, as well as more frequent extreme weather events. These changes can have significant impacts on the watershed's hydrology, vegetation, and wildlife, and pose challenges for managing its natural resources.

Surface Flows

Kiskiminetas Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Kiskiminetas Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Kiskiminetas Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Kiskiminetas Watershed

Kiskiminetas Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed