Upper Monongahela

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Monongahela Watershed (HUC 05020003) is a relatively large watershed, covering an area of about 5,300 square miles in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. It is predominantly forested and includes the Monongahela National Forest. The watershed is also home to several important surface water resources, including the Monongahela River, Cheat River, and Tygart River. These rivers provide water for numerous communities and support a variety of important industries such as fishing and recreation. The hydrology of the watershed is influenced by several factors, including precipitation patterns, snowpack, and temperature. In recent years, the area has experienced above-average precipitation and several significant flooding events. Additionally, changes in snowpack and temperature have had an impact on the timing and duration of the growing season for vegetation. The reservoirs in the watershed are important sources of drinking water and provide hydroelectric power. They also contain a variety of constituents, including sediment, nutrients, and contaminants. Overall, the Upper Monongahela Watershed is a complex and dynamic ecosystem that is impacted by a variety of factors, including land use, climate, and human activity.

Surface Flows

Upper Monongahela Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Monongahela Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Monongahela Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Monongahela Watershed

Upper Monongahela Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed