Upper Ohio-Shade

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Ohio Shade Watershed (HUC 05030202) covers 276 square miles in southwestern Pennsylvania. Its hydrology is primarily influenced by precipitation, with an average annual rainfall of 41 inches, and surface water flow from the Allegheny River. The area experiences cold winters and warm summers, with an average annual temperature of 50°F. The watershed provides drinking water for over 24,000 people and supports agriculture, primarily hay and livestock production. The reservoirs in the watershed are used for flood control and recreation, and their constituents include sediment, nutrients, and bacteria. The snowpack in the watershed varies, with an average of 21 inches in January and 12 inches in February. The area has seen an increase in precipitation over the past few decades, leading to increased flooding and erosion. Conservation efforts are being implemented to protect the watershed and its resources.

Surface Flows

Upper Ohio-Shade Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Ohio-Shade Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Ohio-Shade Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Ohio-Shade Watershed

Upper Ohio-Shade Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed