Little Kanawha

Watershed Hydrology

The Little Kanawha Watershed (HUC 05030203) covers an area of approximately 2,800 square miles in West Virginia. The watershed is predominantly rural, with forest and agricultural land use dominating. The hydrology of the watershed is characterized by the Little Kanawha River, which flows for approximately 75 miles through the area. Snowpack in the watershed varies depending on elevation, with higher elevations experiencing a longer snow season. Surface water in the watershed is impacted by acid mine drainage, which has led to degraded water quality in some areas. There are several small reservoirs in the watershed, including the Burnsville Dam and the Elk Fork and Cedar Creek Reservoirs. Climatic trends in the watershed include increasing temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and flooding. These trends are consistent with broader climate change patterns in the region.

Surface Flows

Little Kanawha Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Little Kanawha Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Little Kanawha Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Little Kanawha Watershed

Little Kanawha Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed