North Fork Kentucky

Watershed Hydrology

The North Fork Kentucky Watershed (HUC 05100201) covers an area of approximately 1,220 square miles in eastern Kentucky. The watershed is characterized by a humid continental climate with warm summers and cold winters. The hydrology of the area is dominated by the North Fork Kentucky River, which is fed by several smaller tributaries. The watershed receives an average of 45 inches of precipitation annually, with the majority falling as rain in the summer months. The area experiences occasional floods and droughts, and snowfall is common in the winter months. Reservoirs within the watershed contain sediment, nutrients, and other constituents that impact water quality. In recent years, the area has experienced increased precipitation and flooding, likely due to climate change. Overall, the North Fork Kentucky Watershed is an important natural resource for eastern Kentucky, providing clean water and supporting local ecosystems.

Surface Flows

North Fork Kentucky Watershed

Snowpack Depths

North Fork Kentucky Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

North Fork Kentucky Watershed

Groundwater Levels

North Fork Kentucky Watershed

North Fork Kentucky Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed