Middle Wabash-Deer

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Wabash Deer watershed spans 1,950 square miles and is located in west-central Indiana. The area is characterized by gently rolling hills, and the watershed is drained by the Deer Creek and Middle Wabash River. The region experiences a humid continental climate with hot summers and cold winters, and an average annual precipitation of 41 inches. The primary land use in the region is agriculture, and the watershed contains multiple small reservoirs used for irrigation and recreation. The area experiences significant snowfall in the winter months, with an average snowpack of 20 inches. Interestingly, the region has seen a trend in increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation over the past several decades, which has implications for the region's water resources and agricultural productivity.

Surface Flows

Middle Wabash-Deer Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Wabash-Deer Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Wabash-Deer Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Wabash-Deer Watershed

Middle Wabash-Deer Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed