Upper French Broad

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper French Broad Watershed (HUC 06010105) covers approximately 1,260 square miles in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. The hydrology of the watershed is characterized by streams and rivers that ultimately flow into the Tennessee River. The watershed receives an average of 55 inches of precipitation per year, with snowfall in the higher elevations during the winter months. The surface water in the watershed is of high quality and supports diverse aquatic life. There are several reservoirs in the watershed, including Lake Julian and Lake Lure. The watershed is also home to several rare and endangered plant and animal species, such as the Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel. In recent years, the area has experienced an increase in both average temperatures and precipitation, leading to more frequent flooding events.

Surface Flows

Upper French Broad Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper French Broad Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper French Broad Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper French Broad Watershed

Upper French Broad Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed