
Watershed Hydrology

The Hiwassee watershed (HUC 06020002) covers a land area of 2,161 square miles in eastern Tennessee and northern Georgia. The watershed is characterized by mountainous terrain, with elevations ranging from 800 to 6,643 feet above sea level. The Hiwassee River is the main hydrological feature of the watershed, with numerous tributaries feeding into it. The area receives an average of 50 inches of precipitation per year, with snowfall occurring primarily in the higher elevations during the winter months. The Hiwassee reservoir provides hydroelectric power and water for irrigation, but also contains high levels of sediment and nutrients, leading to algal blooms and other water quality issues. In recent years, the watershed has experienced increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including flooding and drought. Conservation efforts and land management practices are being implemented to mitigate these impacts and protect the ecological health of the watershed.

Surface Flows

Hiwassee Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Hiwassee Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Hiwassee Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Hiwassee Watershed

Hiwassee Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed