Upper Wisconsin

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Wisconsin Watershed, HUC 07070001, covers a land area of approximately 8,600 square miles in Wisconsin. The hydrology of the area is dominated by the Wisconsin River and its tributaries, which provide surface water for the region. The watershed receives significant snowfall in the winter months, with average snowpack depths ranging from 20-30 inches. Surface water quality in the area is generally good, although there are concerns over nutrient pollution from agricultural runoff. There are several large reservoirs within the watershed, including Lake Petenwell and Castle Rock Lake, which provide recreational opportunities and hydroelectric power. Interesting climatic facts for the region include a trend towards warmer temperatures and more intense precipitation events in recent decades. Additionally, there has been a decrease in snowfall and snowpack depth over the past several decades. These trends have significant implications for water management, agriculture, and ecological health in the region.

Surface Flows

Upper Wisconsin Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Wisconsin Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Wisconsin Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Wisconsin Watershed

Upper Wisconsin Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed