
Watershed Hydrology

HUC 07140104 is a large watershed covering an area of approximately 6,187 square miles, with a diverse range of terrain including mountains, plateaus, and valleys. Hydrologically, the watershed is characterized by numerous streams and rivers, including the Snake River and its tributaries. The snowpack in the region is significant and plays a crucial role in the water supply, particularly during the spring and summer months when snowmelt contributes to surface water flows. The watershed also contains several reservoirs, which serve as important sources of water for irrigation, power generation, and other uses. Climatically, the region experiences a considerable variation in temperature and precipitation, with long, cold winters and hot, dry summers. In recent years, the area has experienced an increase in average temperatures and a decrease in snowpack, potentially impacting water availability and ecosystem health.

Surface Flows

Big Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Big Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Big Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Big Watershed

Big Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed