Lower Ouachita-Smackover

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Ouachita-Smackover Watershed (HUC 08040201) covers an area of approximately 9,834 square miles in Louisiana and Arkansas. The watershed has two major rivers, the Ouachita and Smackover, which provide water for several communities and industries. The region experiences a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters. The area receives an average of 50 inches of rainfall annually, and snowfall is rare. The watershed has several surface water bodies, including Lake Claiborne, Lake Ouachita, and Lake Jack Lee, which are used for recreational purposes and as sources of drinking water. Reservoir constituents in the watershed include sediment, nutrients, and pesticides from agricultural activities. The region has experienced increasing temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, in recent years. These trends have had significant impacts on the local ecosystem and economy, highlighting the importance of sustainable water management practices.

Surface Flows

Lower Ouachita-Smackover Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Ouachita-Smackover Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Ouachita-Smackover Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Ouachita-Smackover Watershed

Lower Ouachita-Smackover Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed