Upper Big Black

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Big Black Watershed spans an area of approximately 3,180 square miles in central Mississippi. It is characterized by a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters. The watershed is drained by the Big Black River, which is a major tributary of the Mississippi River. The river is fed by several smaller streams and creeks, which are influenced by seasonal variations in rainfall and snowmelt. The watershed has a relatively low snowpack, with an average snowfall of less than 1 inch per year. The surface water in the watershed contains a variety of constituents, including sediment, nutrients, and pollutants from agricultural and urban sources. Recent trends indicate an increase in rainfall and flooding events, which may be linked to climate change. The watershed also contains several reservoirs, which are important for irrigation, recreation, and water supply.

Surface Flows

Upper Big Black Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Big Black Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Big Black Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Big Black Watershed

Upper Big Black Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed