
Watershed Hydrology

The HUC 09010005 watershed covers a land area of approximately 1,253 square miles in northern Colorado. The area is known for its varied hydrology, with both snowpack and surface water contributing to the watershed's flow. The snowpack in the watershed is particularly important as it provides a significant amount of the region's water supply. The watershed also includes several reservoirs that play a crucial role in regulating the area's water supply. The watershed is subject to extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, and is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In recent years, the region has experienced a notable decline in snowpack, which has led to concerns about the sustainability of the local water supply. Additionally, the area has experienced an increase in temperatures, leading to more frequent and severe wildfires. Efforts are currently underway to better understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change on the HUC 09010005 watershed.

Surface Flows

Deep Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Deep Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Deep Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Deep Watershed

Deep Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed