
Watershed Hydrology

The Goose Watershed (HUC 09020109) covers an area of 1,030 square miles in northwestern Wyoming. It is largely mountainous, with high elevations and steep slopes. The watershed is dominated by snowmelt runoff, with snowpack contributing up to 80% of the total annual flow. The surface water in the watershed is of high quality and supports a diverse range of aquatic species. There are several small reservoirs in the watershed that are used for irrigation and drinking water supply. The reservoirs are fed by snowmelt, and their constituents include sediment, nutrients, and dissolved minerals. The climate in the Goose Watershed is characterized by cold winters and mild summers. Snowfall is common from November through April, with an average snowfall of 150 inches per year. The snowpack in the watershed is closely monitored, as it is a crucial source of water for the surrounding communities. In recent years, the Goose Watershed has experienced warmer temperatures and earlier snowmelt, leading to concerns about water availability and potential impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Efforts are underway to develop management strategies that balance the needs of human communities with the ecological health of the watershed.

Surface Flows

Goose Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Goose Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Goose Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Goose Watershed

Goose Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed