Lower Red

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Red Watershed (HUC 09020311) is located in north-central Minnesota, encompassing approximately 1,743 square miles of land area. The region is characterized by a humid continental climate, with cold, snowy winters and warm, wet summers. The watershed is home to several large lakes, including Mille Lacs Lake, which is the second-largest lake in the state. The region is also known for its extensive wetlands and peatlands, which play an important role in regulating water flow and filtering pollutants. The watershed is fed by a combination of snowmelt and precipitation, with snowfall typically occurring from November through April. Climate data shows that the region has experienced a trend of increasing temperatures and decreasing snowpack over the past several decades, which could have significant impacts on the hydrology and ecology of the watershed.

Surface Flows

Lower Red Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Red Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Red Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Red Watershed

Lower Red Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed