Big Sandy

Watershed Hydrology

The Big Sandy Watershed is located in Wyoming and covers an area of approximately 1,536 square miles. The area's hydrology is primarily influenced by the Wind River Range, with snowpacks in the mountain ranges providing a large portion of the watershed's surface water. The reservoirs in the area contain mainly agricultural and municipal water use, and water quality is generally good. The climate of the watershed is generally arid, with average annual precipitation ranging from 6 to 12 inches. However, the region has experienced increased precipitation in recent years due to changing weather patterns. Snowpack in the watershed also varies from year to year, but it is generally less significant than in other areas of Wyoming. Overall, the Big Sandy Watershed is an important source of water for the surrounding communities and plays a vital role in Wyoming's hydrology.

Surface Flows

Big Sandy Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Big Sandy Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Big Sandy Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Big Sandy Watershed

Big Sandy Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed