Middle Fork Powder

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Fork Powder Watershed (HUC 10090201) covers an area of approximately 426 square miles in northeastern Oregon, USA. The watershed is dominated by high-elevation mountains and is characterized by cold winters and warm summers. Snowpack is a critical component of the hydrology of the watershed, with snowmelt providing much of the surface water during the spring and summer months. The Middle Fork Powder River is the primary stream in the watershed, and it flows into Phillips Reservoir, which provides irrigation and flood control for the region. The reservoir contains sediment from past mining activities, which has caused issues with water quality. The watershed has experienced a warming trend over the past few decades, leading to earlier snowmelt and shifts in streamflow patterns. These changes could have significant impacts on the water supply and ecology of the region.

Surface Flows

Middle Fork Powder Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Fork Powder Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Fork Powder Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Fork Powder Watershed

Middle Fork Powder Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed