Middle Powder

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Powder Watershed covers an area of approximately 1,562 square miles in northeastern Oregon. The watershed is characterized by a semi-arid climate with low precipitation, averaging around 12 inches per year. Snowpack accumulation in the watershed is vital for maintaining surface water flows in the spring and summer months. The watershed feeds into the Powder River, which is a vital source of irrigation for the local agriculture industry. The river also supports fish populations, including steelhead and Chinook salmon. The watershed includes several reservoirs, including Phillips Reservoir and Thief Valley Reservoir, which are important for irrigation and recreation. The Middle Powder Watershed has been impacted by human activities, including logging, mining, and grazing. Conservation efforts have been implemented to restore habitat and improve water quality in the watershed.

Surface Flows

Middle Powder Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Powder Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Powder Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Powder Watershed

Middle Powder Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed