Upper South Platte

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper South Platte Watershed (HUC 10190002) covers approximately 1,414 square miles in Colorado, and consists of forests, grasslands, and mountainous terrain. The watershed is fed by snowmelt and rainfall, with the majority of water flow occurring during spring and early summer. The area is known for its heavy snowpack, with average measurements ranging from 100-200 inches in the high elevations. Surface water in the watershed is sourced from the South Platte River, which is used for irrigation and municipal water supply. The watershed also contains several reservoirs, including Spinney Mountain, Eleven Mile, and Cheesman, which provide recreational opportunities and water storage for downstream users. Climate patterns in the region are heavily influenced by altitude, with colder temperatures and higher snowfall amounts in the higher elevations. Over the past decade, the area has experienced drought conditions and decreased snowpack, which has impacted water availability for downstream users. Efforts are being made to improve water use efficiency and conservation in the watershed to mitigate these impacts.

Surface Flows

Upper South Platte Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper South Platte Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper South Platte Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper South Platte Watershed

Upper South Platte Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed