Upper Lodgepole

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Lodgepole watershed, located in central Wyoming, covers an area of 83 square miles. The hydrology of the area is dominated by the Lodgepole Creek, which flows through the watershed and eventually into the North Platte River. The watershed experiences a typical snowpack accumulation during the winter months, with peak snow depths occurring in March. Surface water in the watershed is primarily used for irrigation purposes. Reservoirs in the area are used for flood control and water storage. The watershed experiences a semi-arid climate, with average annual precipitation of 11 inches. Over the past few decades, the area has experienced a warming trend, with increased temperatures and decreased snowpack accumulation. These changes could have significant impacts on the hydrology and water resources of the area.

Surface Flows

Upper Lodgepole Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Lodgepole Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Lodgepole Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Lodgepole Watershed

Upper Lodgepole Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed