
Watershed Hydrology

The HUC 11010008 watershed spans approximately 1,255 square miles and includes the headwaters of the Methow River in Washington State. The area is characterized by a semi-arid climate with hot and dry summers and relatively mild winters. Snowmelt from the Cascade Mountains is a significant source of water for the watershed, with peak flows occurring in late spring and early summer. Surface water resources in the area include numerous small streams and rivers, as well as the Methow River and its tributaries. The watershed is also home to several small reservoirs used for irrigation and municipal water supplies. Recent climate trends in the area suggest that temperatures are increasing, which may impact snowpack and water availability in the future. Additionally, the area has experienced an increase in wildfire activity in recent years, which can significantly impact water quality and availability.

Surface Flows

Current Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Current Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Current Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Current Watershed

Current Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed