Upper Salt Fork Arkansas

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Salt Fork Arkansas Watershed (HUC 11060002) covers an area of approximately 1,596 square miles in northwestern Arkansas. The watershed is characterized by rugged terrain and diverse land use, including forested areas, agricultural lands, and urban development. The hydrology of the area is influenced by the Ozark Plateau, which is known for its karst topography, and is home to a variety of springs, streams, and rivers. The area receives an average of 44 inches of precipitation annually, with the majority falling between March and August. Snowpack is generally limited in the region, with only occasional snowfall during the winter months. Surface water quality in the watershed is generally good, although there are some concerns about elevated levels of sediment and nutrients in some areas. The watershed also contains several reservoirs, including Beaver Lake and Lake Fort Smith, which provide drinking water, recreation, and flood control for the region. In recent years, the area has experienced a trend towards warmer temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events, such as heavy rain and flooding. These changes have the potential to impact the hydrology and ecology of the watershed, and may have implications for water resources management in the future.

Surface Flows

Upper Salt Fork Arkansas Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Salt Fork Arkansas Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Salt Fork Arkansas Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Salt Fork Arkansas Watershed

Upper Salt Fork Arkansas Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed