Fourche La Fave

Watershed Hydrology

The Fourche La Fave watershed covers an area of 1,102 square miles in western Arkansas. The region is characterized by a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Fourche La Fave River, which originates in the Ouachita Mountains and flows through the region before joining the Arkansas River. The area receives an average of 50 inches of precipitation annually, with rainfall peaking in May and June. The region also experiences occasional flooding, particularly during the spring months. The watershed is home to several reservoirs, including Nimrod Lake and Blue Mountain Lake, which provide both recreational opportunities and serve as a source of drinking water for nearby communities. In recent years, the area has seen an increase in extreme weather events, including drought and severe storms, which have impacted the hydrology of the region.

Surface Flows

Fourche La Fave Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Fourche La Fave Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Fourche La Fave Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Fourche La Fave Watershed

Fourche La Fave Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed