Lower Salt Fork Red

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Salt Fork Red Watershed (HUC 11120202) covers approximately 1,050 square miles in northwestern Oklahoma. The watershed is primarily agricultural, with a mix of cropland and pastureland. The hydrology of the watershed is influenced by the North Canadian River, which flows through the eastern portion of the watershed. The area typically experiences hot summers and mild winters, with an average annual precipitation of 29 inches. The watershed is not heavily reliant on snowpack as a source of water. Surface water in the watershed is primarily found in streams and small ponds. The watershed also contains several reservoirs, including Canton Lake and Fort Supply Lake. The primary constituents of these reservoirs include sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Interestingly, the watershed has experienced a trend of decreasing precipitation in recent years, which has led to concerns about water availability.

Surface Flows

Lower Salt Fork Red Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Salt Fork Red Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Salt Fork Red Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Salt Fork Red Watershed

Lower Salt Fork Red Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed