Middle Neches

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Neches Watershed (HUC 12020002) covers an area of 2,480 square miles in east Texas, primarily in Cherokee and Smith counties. The watershed is characterized by forested upland areas, agricultural fields, and urbanized areas. The hydrology of the area is influenced by the presence of several reservoirs, including Lake Palestine, Lake Jacksonville, and Lake Tyler. These reservoirs play an important role in supplying drinking water, generating hydroelectric power, and supporting recreational activities. The Middle Neches Watershed experiences a humid subtropical climate, with hot summers and mild winters. Snowfall is rare in the area, with an average of only 0.7 inches per year. Surface water quality in the watershed is generally good, although some areas have been impacted by urbanization and agricultural activities. Recent trends in the Middle Neches Watershed include increased development and urbanization, which can lead to increased runoff and potential water quality issues. Efforts are underway to promote sustainable land use practices and improve water resource management in the area.

Surface Flows

Middle Neches Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Neches Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Neches Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Neches Watershed

Middle Neches Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed