
Watershed Hydrology

The Denton Watershed (HUC 12030104) covers an area of approximately 436 square miles in northeastern Montana. Hydrologically, the watershed is predominantly characterized by the Missouri River, which forms the southern boundary of the watershed. The area receives an average of 30 inches of snowfall annually, and the snowpack in the high country of the Little Rocky Mountains is a significant source of surface water during the spring melt. The watershed contains several small reservoirs, which are used for irrigation and recreation. The primary constituents of the reservoirs are sediment, nutrients, and algae. The watershed experiences a semi-arid climate, with an average annual precipitation of 14 inches. In recent years, the area has experienced a trend of declining snowpack and increased wildfires due to prolonged drought conditions.

Surface Flows

Denton Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Denton Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Denton Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Denton Watershed

Denton Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed