North Galveston Bay

Watershed Hydrology

The North Galveston Bay Watershed covers approximately 3,000 square miles in eastern Texas and drains into Galveston Bay. The hydrology of the area is primarily influenced by precipitation and runoff from surrounding areas. The watershed is not known for significant snowpack. Surface water in the area is utilized for recreational activities and the reservoirs in the watershed are used for drinking water supply, flood control, and as cooling water for power plants. The watershed includes a mixture of urban and rural areas, and is susceptible to flooding during periods of heavy rainfall. Climate trends in the area include increasing temperatures and precipitation variability, with more frequent and intense storms. The watershed is also vulnerable to sea level rise and storm surge due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico.

Surface Flows

North Galveston Bay Watershed

Snowpack Depths

North Galveston Bay Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

North Galveston Bay Watershed

Groundwater Levels

North Galveston Bay Watershed

North Galveston Bay Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed