West Galveston Bay

Watershed Hydrology

The West Galveston Bay watershed is located in southeast Texas and covers approximately 835 square miles of land area. The hydrology of the region is dominated by numerous small streams and tributaries that drain into West Galveston Bay, which is a shallow, estuarine system that supports a diverse range of aquatic flora and fauna. The region experiences a subtropical climate, with hot summers and mild winters. There is no significant snowpack in the area. Surface water quality in the watershed is affected by various constituents, including nutrients, sediment, and contaminants. Interesting climatic trends in the area include increasing temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and flooding. The region is also experiencing sea level rise, which is leading to coastal erosion and increased flooding risk.

Surface Flows

West Galveston Bay Watershed

Snowpack Depths

West Galveston Bay Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

West Galveston Bay Watershed

Groundwater Levels

West Galveston Bay Watershed

West Galveston Bay Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed