Upper Guadalupe

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Guadalupe Watershed covers an area of approximately 361 square miles and is located in Santa Clara County, California. The hydrology of the watershed is diverse, with several tributaries flowing into the Guadalupe River, which ultimately flows into the San Francisco Bay. The watershed receives most of its precipitation during the winter months, and snowpack is not typically a significant factor in the area. Surface water in the watershed is primarily used for agricultural purposes, and there are several reservoirs throughout the area that help regulate water flow. Interesting climatic facts and trends in the watershed include increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation over the past several decades, as well as an increased frequency of extreme weather events. Additionally, the area has experienced several severe droughts in recent years, highlighting the importance of sustainable water management practices.

Surface Flows

Upper Guadalupe Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Guadalupe Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Guadalupe Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Guadalupe Watershed

Upper Guadalupe Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed