Central Matagorda Bay

Watershed Hydrology

The Central Matagorda Bay watershed covers an area of approximately 1,693 square miles in southeast Texas. The hydrology of the area is dominated by the Colorado River and its tributaries, which flow into Matagorda Bay. Snowpack is rare in this region due to its subtropical climate, which is characterized by hot and humid summers and mild winters. Surface water resources include the Colorado River, several tributaries, and Matagorda Bay, which is an important estuary that supports a diverse array of marine life. The primary constituents of the reservoirs in the watershed are sediment, organic matter, and nutrients. In recent years, the area has experienced more frequent and severe weather events, including flooding and drought, which have impacted the region's water resources and infrastructure.

Surface Flows

Central Matagorda Bay Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Central Matagorda Bay Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Central Matagorda Bay Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Central Matagorda Bay Watershed

Central Matagorda Bay Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed