Rio Penasco

Watershed Hydrology

The Rio Penasco watershed covers an area of approximately 798 square miles, located in south-central New Mexico. The region typically experiences a semi-arid climate, with hot summers and cold winters. The hydrology of the area is largely influenced by snowpack, which accumulates in the mountains during winter and melts during the spring and summer months. This snowmelt contributes to the surface water that flows through the watershed, including the Rio Penasco River and several small streams. The primary reservoir in the Rio Penasco watershed is the Bonito Reservoir, which is used for irrigation and recreation. The reservoir's water quality is monitored regularly, with constituent levels typically remaining within acceptable limits. In recent years, the region has experienced drought conditions, with below-average snowpack and reduced surface water flow. In addition, warmer temperatures have led to earlier snowmelt and increased evaporation. These trends highlight the importance of sustainable water management practices in the Rio Penasco watershed.

Surface Flows

Rio Penasco Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Rio Penasco Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Rio Penasco Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Rio Penasco Watershed

Rio Penasco Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed