
Watershed Hydrology

The Blue Watershed (HUC 14010002) covers approximately 1,688 square miles in Oregon and Washington. It is characterized by a high elevation mountain range that affects surface water and snowpack accumulation. The hydrologic regime is dominated by precipitation, with snowmelt contributing significantly to the river’s flow in late spring and early summer. Winter snowpack typically averages 80-120% of normal, which can lead to extreme flooding events in the spring. The watershed contains several large reservoirs that are used for hydroelectric power generation and flood control. The Blue Watershed is also home to several unique species, such as the endangered Bull Trout. Climate trends in the region include increased temperatures, decreased snowpack, and more extreme weather events. These trends may have significant impacts on water availability, aquatic ecosystems, and human communities in the watershed.

Surface Flows

Blue Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Blue Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Blue Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Blue Watershed

Blue Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed