Lower White

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower White Watershed (HUC 14050007) covers an area of approximately 1,587 square miles and is mainly located in south-central Indiana. The watershed is drained by the White River, which flows into the Wabash River. The hydrology of the watershed is mainly characterized by the White River, which is fed by numerous smaller streams and tributaries. The area receives an average of 42 inches of precipitation annually, with snowfall averaging around 12 inches per year. The watershed contains several small reservoirs, including Monroe Lake and Patoka Lake. The dominant land use in the watershed is agriculture, which accounts for approximately 70% of the land area. Interesting climatic facts and trends include an increase in extreme precipitation events and rising temperatures, which are likely to impact both the agriculture and water resources in the area.

Surface Flows

Lower White Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower White Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower White Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower White Watershed

Lower White Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed