Lower Green

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Green Watershed, also known as HUC 14060008, covers an area of approximately 3,685 square miles in Wyoming and Colorado. The watershed is characterized by a semi-arid climate with low annual precipitation, and snowpack is a critical component of the hydrology. The Green River supplies the majority of the surface water for the watershed, while several reservoirs function as water storage systems for the area. The reservoirs are typically used for irrigation and hydropower production. Interesting climatic facts include the region's susceptibility to drought and the potential impacts of climate change on snowpack and water availability. Trends in the area show an increase in water demand, leading to potential conflicts between agricultural and urban water users. Efforts are being made to promote sustainable water management practices and improve water availability for all stakeholders in the Lower Green Watershed.

Surface Flows

Lower Green Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Green Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Green Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Green Watershed

Lower Green Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed