Dinnebito Wash

Watershed Hydrology

The Dinnebito Wash watershed covers an area of approximately 719 square miles in the northeastern part of Arizona. The watershed is characterized by high-elevation mountains, deep canyons, and extensive grasslands. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by snowmelt, which provides the majority of surface water to the area. The snowpack in the watershed is typically deep and persists into late spring. Surface water in the watershed is limited, and most of the streams are ephemeral, flowing only during and after major rainfall events. The watershed is home to several reservoirs, which are used for agricultural and domestic purposes. Interesting climatic facts about the watershed include its high elevation, which results in cooler temperatures and more precipitation than surrounding areas. Recent trends in the watershed include increasing temperatures and decreasing snowpack, which may have significant impacts on water availability in the future.

Surface Flows

Dinnebito Wash Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Dinnebito Wash Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Dinnebito Wash Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Dinnebito Wash Watershed

Dinnebito Wash Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed