
Watershed Hydrology

The White Watershed (HUC 15060102) covers approximately 1,090 square miles in eastern Idaho and western Wyoming. Its hydrology is dominated by the Snake River drainage system, which feeds into the larger Columbia River Basin. The watershed's high elevation and cold temperatures lead to a significant snowpack, which contributes to the area's surface water supply. The watershed's surface water includes streams, rivers, and several reservoirs, including the Palisades Reservoir and the Jackson Lake Reservoir. The reservoirs' constituents include mainly water and sediment, with some dissolved minerals. The region experiences a continental climate with cold, snowy winters and warm, dry summers. Recent data suggests increasing temperatures, which could impact snowpack and water availability in the region. Overall, the White Watershed is an important source of freshwater and natural resources for the surrounding communities and ecosystems.

Surface Flows

White Watershed

Snowpack Depths

White Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

White Watershed

Groundwater Levels

White Watershed

White Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed