Lower Verde

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Verde Watershed (HUC 15060203) covers approximately 2,373 square miles in Arizona, USA. The watershed is known for its dry climate, with an average annual precipitation of 9.5 inches. However, the area is also influenced by monsoon storms that bring heavy rainfall during the summer months. The watershed is characterized by a complex hydrology, with a combination of perennial and intermittent streams, as well as several reservoirs. A significant portion of the watershed's water supply comes from the Verde River, which is fed by snowpack in the surrounding mountains during the winter months. There is concern over the impact of climate change on the snowpack, which could lead to reduced water availability in the watershed. The Lower Verde Watershed is also home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including several endangered species.

Surface Flows

Lower Verde Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Verde Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Verde Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Verde Watershed

Lower Verde Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed