Central Bear

Watershed Hydrology

The Central Bear Watershed (HUC 16010102) covers an area of approximately 1,120 square miles in north-central Idaho. The area receives a significant amount of precipitation, with an average annual precipitation of 40 inches. Snowpack is a critical component of the watershed as it provides water for surface water and reservoirs during the dry season. The snowpack in the area typically peaks in April, with an average snow depth of 100 inches. The watershed is home to several large reservoirs, including Dworshak Reservoir, which is the third-largest reservoir in Idaho. The reservoirs provide water for irrigation, hydropower, and recreational activities. Climatic trends in the area show an increase in temperature and a decrease in snowpack in recent years, which impacts the water supply in the watershed. The area is also prone to wildfires, which can have significant impacts on the hydrology of the watershed.

Surface Flows

Central Bear Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Central Bear Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Central Bear Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Central Bear Watershed

Central Bear Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed