
Watershed Hydrology

The Jordan Watershed, located in Utah, covers an area of about 2,090 square miles. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Jordan River, which flows into the Great Salt Lake. The area receives about 50 inches of precipitation annually, with about 60% of it falling as snow. The snowpack in the area is important for water supply during the dry summer months. The watershed also has several reservoirs, including the Jordanelle Reservoir and Deer Creek Reservoir. The reservoirs are used for water storage and recreation. The water in the Jordan River has high levels of total dissolved solids due to the runoff from agricultural fields and urban areas. The area experiences a semi-arid climate, with hot summers and cold winters. Climate change is expected to lead to warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns in the region.

Surface Flows

Jordan Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Jordan Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Jordan Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Jordan Watershed

Jordan Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed