Hamlin-Snake Valleys

Watershed Hydrology

The Hamlin Snake Valleys Watershed covers approximately 2,600 square miles in western Utah and eastern Nevada. Hydrology in the area is dominated by the Great Basin's arid climate, with limited surface water and year-round aquifers that serve as important water sources for agricultural and domestic use. Snowpack in the watershed is typically low, with the majority of precipitation falling as rain. Surface water is rare in the watershed, with only a few small streams and springs present. There are no major reservoirs within the watershed, but several small impoundments are used for irrigation. Interesting climatic facts include the area's extreme temperature fluctuations, with summer highs often exceeding 100°F and winter lows dropping below 0°F. In recent years, the region has experienced drought conditions, leading to decreased agricultural productivity and increased wildfire risk.

Surface Flows

Hamlin-Snake Valleys Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Hamlin-Snake Valleys Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Hamlin-Snake Valleys Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Hamlin-Snake Valleys Watershed

Hamlin-Snake Valleys Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed