Lower Sevier

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Sevier Watershed covers an area of approximately 5,266 square miles in central Utah. The watershed is characterized by a semiarid climate with an average annual precipitation of 6-12 inches. Snowpack is the primary source of water for the watershed, with snowmelt contributing to the Sevier River, which flows southward through the watershed. The Sevier River is the largest surface water source in the area and is used for irrigation, municipal, and industrial purposes. The watershed contains several reservoirs, including Piute Reservoir, which is known for its trophy fishing. The area experiences high temperatures in the summer, with temperatures reaching over 100°F, and cold winters, with temperatures dropping below freezing. Climate change has caused a decline in snowpack in the region, leading to lower water availability and increased competition for resources.

Surface Flows

Lower Sevier Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Sevier Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Sevier Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Sevier Watershed

Lower Sevier Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed