Little Humboldt

Watershed Hydrology

The Little Humboldt Watershed (HUC 16040109) covers an area of approximately 3,359 square miles in northeastern Nevada. The watershed is characterized by low relief terrain and arid climate conditions. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by intermittent and ephemeral streams, which contribute to the Humboldt River. The snowpack in the Little Humboldt Watershed is typically low due to low winter precipitation levels. Surface water is limited, with most of the streams being dry for much of the year. Reservoirs in the watershed are primarily used for irrigation and domestic water supply. Interesting climatic facts include high summer temperatures and low humidity levels, with occasional extreme weather events such as flash floods. Trends in the Little Humboldt Watershed include increasing water demand for agriculture and domestic use, with decreasing water availability due to prolonged drought conditions. Climate change is expected to exacerbate these trends, leading to further strain on the limited water resources of the watershed.

Surface Flows

Little Humboldt Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Little Humboldt Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Little Humboldt Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Little Humboldt Watershed

Little Humboldt Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed