Upper Quinn

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Quinn Watershed (HUC 16040201) is located in western Montana and covers approximately 431 square miles. Hydrologically, the watershed is characterized by steep terrain and heavily forested areas, which contribute to high runoff during snowmelt and precipitation events. The snowpack in the area is typically high, with average snow water equivalent (SWE) values exceeding 20 inches in many areas. Surface water sources in the watershed include the Quinn River and several smaller streams and creeks. The primary reservoir in the area is the Placid Lake Reservoir, which is used for hydroelectric power generation and recreation. Climatically, the Upper Quinn Watershed experiences cold, snowy winters and warm, dry summers. Over the past few decades, there has been a trend of increasing winter temperatures and decreasing snowpack, which has implications for water availability and ecosystem health in the watershed. Additionally, wildfires have become more frequent and severe in the area in recent years, which can further impact hydrology and water quality.

Surface Flows

Upper Quinn Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Quinn Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Quinn Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Quinn Watershed

Upper Quinn Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed